Here are some potentially useful contact details for you:

  • ESN UEA - that's right: us!  You can find us on Facebook, either through our Page or our group for incoming students.  Alternatively, email us at  We can't guarantee to have the answers, but if we don't then we can probably point you in the direction of the person who does.
  • Study Abroad Office - you may have been given a specific email address to use for them, but if not, or you've lost it, you can always contact them at  They can be a very good port of call for any queries regarding your Erasmus or exchange paperwork, and can usually point you in the right direction of the person you should talk to about academic matters, which will vary depending on what subject you study.
  • Union of UEA Students - the Student Union is great for offering advice and helping you with some of the more daunting things.  If in doubt, just go to the Union House Reception Desk in the Hive on campus, and they'll help you find just the right person to help you with whatever problem you've got.
  • Dean of Students - the Dean of Students Office takes care of student welfare.  Of particular interest to incoming international and exchange students will be the International Students Advisory Team who specifically assist incoming students and offer various services and activities.  The Dean of Students Office also offers a number of services, including support for those with dyslexia, learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and disabilities, amongst others. Email them at for more information, or find out more via the UEA website.
  • Nightline - the Norwich Nightline service is open 8pm to 8am every night during term time and offers an information and listening service, as well as free contraception.  Nightline is there to help with any query or problem you may have, no matter how big or small. You can contact them by telephone on +44 (0)1603 503 504, by email at, as well as text, online instant messenger, Skype, or visiting the Nightline office in person.  Go to or for more details.