ESN UEA is a section of the International Exchange Erasmus Student
Network based at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. We're here
to help students who are coming to UEA as part of their international
study abroad, be that through the Erasmus scheme or not. From France
to the Philippines, Spain to South Africa, and Austria to Australia;
no matter how far you've travelled, ESN is here for you.
We're also here to answer any questions current UEA students have about
their year abroad - as best we can, anyway! That goes for before you
leave, and while you're away too. And if we don't know the answer,
we'll try and find out, or point you in the right direction.
To get in touch, you can
- email us at
- find us on Facebook, where you can also find details of our groups
- fill in the Contact Form
Follow us